Following their initial international successes, choreographer Rafaela Carrasco and playwright Álvaro Tato continue their process of shared creativity, alongside an exceptional team that takes music and flamenco to new levels of exploration and discovery.

Through words and bodies, NOCTURNA presents a dance, musical, and poetic exploration of the profound motifs and contradictions that the night brings, seen from the perspective of lucidity and the hallucinations of those who experience insomnia: the reverie against the nightmare, the subconscious against conscious thought, the celebration against tranquility… An insomniac journey from dusk to dawn that evokes the mysteries of emotion, consciousness, and memory.

Winner of the Critics’ Choice Award for Best Dance Show at the XXVII Flamenco Festival of Jerez de la Frontera, and nominated for Best Choreography at the XXVI MAX Awards for Performing Arts 2023.