La Trócola Circ is an Alicante-based circus company directed by Andrea Pérez and Jon Sádaba, which bases its productions on the study of objects. With a clear commitment to innovation, they explore and bring to the stage different circus languages characterised by a creative and fun imagination.
This year, La Trócola celebrates its 10 years of work with R.E.M., a show for all audiences based on the study of a very particular object: a bed. 4 artists on stage, 4 beds, and a journey into the world of dreams: from the magical and surreal to daydreaming. R.E.M. speaks about the fear of failure, self-demand, the borders and barriers of the Western world, magic, and dreams. Juggling at heights, vertical acts, hand balances, magic, acrobatics, banquine, and acrobatic lifts. A call to bravery, to achieve what we long for or at least to give it a try.