⇨ Sunday 30th July
⇨ 22:00
⇨ Dance / Music / Opera
⇨ 90′
The Show
Directly from this year’s edition of the prestigious Avignon Festival, the dance company Mal Pelo, artistically co-directed by Pep Ramis and María Muñoz and awarded the Medalla de Oro of the Academia de las Artes Escénicas de España in 2022, arrives at FRESCA!
With more than 30 shows and After more than a decade exploring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Mal Pelo presents HIGHLANDS, the latest piece that concludes the tetralogy of the Bach Project. An eruption of the work conceived and matured in the previous shows (Bach, On Goldberg Variations/Variations and Inventions), where the analysis and exploration of the listening and visualisation of the structures, harmonies, voices, and development of J.S Bach’s music have been delved into. A study that, over many years and countless hours of exploration, has questioned the dialogue between dance and baroque counterpoint music.
HIGHLANDS is a work about the quest for spirituality, as well as the mundane, about unanswered questions, and the paradox between the fleeting time of humans and the expanded time of History. A sonic and visual journey where the audience feels the force of the group in space, the presence of the individual, and where the combination of different disciplines summons a plural body, ready to be inhabited and traversed. A production of 16 performers, including 8 dancers, 4 singers, and 4 string musicians. If you enjoy classical music, opera, dance, film, and poetry, this is the show for you.
Artistic Credits
Direction: María Muñoz and Pep Ramis
Creation and Dance: Federica Porello, Zoltàn Vakulya, Leo Castro, Miquel Fiol, Enric Fàbregas, Ona Fuster, María Muñoz, Pep Ramis.
Musical Direction: Joel Bardolet and Quiteria Muñoz
String Quartet: Joel Bardolet/violin, Jaume Guri/violin, Masha Titova/viola, Daniel Claret/cello.
Quartet of voices: Quiteria Muñoz/soprano, David Sagastume/countertenor, Mario Coberán/tenor, Giorgio Celenza/bass.
Music: J.S. Bach, Henry Purcell, György Kurtág. Ärvo Part, Benjamin Britten and Georg Friedrich Handel.
Texts: John Berger, Erri de Luca, Nick Cave
Lighting: August Viladomat and Irene Ferrer
Sound space: Fanny Thollot
Stage space: Kike Blanco
Costume: CarmePuigdevalliPlantés
Tickets for FRESCA! are now available at taquilla.ivc.gva.es and in the Teatre Arniches box office. This year, we’ve also created a multi-show ticket REFRESC, so you can see four shows for 48€. More information can be found at taquilla.ivc.gva.es
Plaza del Arquitecto Miguel López, 03008, Alicante
Phone:+34 965 938 333 – teatrearniches@ivc.gva.es
Monday to Friday 10:00 to 14:00
Thursday from 17.30 to 20.00
Plaça de l’Arquitecte Miguel López, 03008, Alacant.
From 20th to 30th of July tickets are available two hours before the show